3 Spiritual Tips to Uplevel Your Marketing

Strategy is only one ingredient.
You’ve probably heard more than once how to use social media to leverage your brand, how to build your audience on Facebook, how to build an email list, and how often you should go live to gain more followers.You might have also found out, that non of this works wonders, if you are not lucky or enjoy the ins and out of marketing.
What you don’t hear so often is how your strategy is one thing, but that your energy actually influences everything. Energy speaks volumes and the more you are energetically aligned with what you do, means you enjoy it, the more likely it is to get what you want (followers, subscribers, new clients …).
Your subconscious mind can sabotage the best of intentions. Meaning, you can execute in the greatest way, write down your to do’s in a calendar and cross them out when done, but if you internally don’t believe in yourself, don’t embrace the challenges of running a business, or simply resist the task you force yourself to do, it’s very likely that success will not come (yet).
Here are three tips on how to approach your marketing differently and set the stage right, so that you easily magnetize clients to you!

Upgrade your Energy
Your thoughts have a frequency and when you deny yourself something, it lowers your vibe. When you lower your own vibe, it’s difficult to be successful. When you allow yourself all that you want, it raises your vibration instantly! So next time you want to talk yourself out of your own success, stop – and allow yourself to have it all! And then allow yourself to fail and drop that perfectionist for a minute, it takes the pressure away and sets your energy free! Which makes completing the task at hand a lot easier.
So first things first. Allow yourself to have it all! And then believe you can have it all. Followed by being willing to do what it takes to have it all (failures included, instant rewards are empty)! Pay attention to what brings you in flow (see below) to actually do the right thing that moves the needle. Stop doing things that bring no results and find the right things to do, that have an impact.
When you force yourself to do tasks other people tell you are important, but your gut tells you otherwise, listen to your gut and find a strategy that works for you. And then do. Set up a routine for your tasks and stick to it, but allow flexibility around it, so that you keep your discipline but never need to force yourself to do anything.
Upgrade your Mindset
Talking yourself out of your dreams will not help. Hating on your to do’s neither. Check out your core beliefs, the beliefs hidden deep underneath your conscious thoughts, and see what might be blocking you from success. Actively start journaling down your affirmations, write down your dream life and your goals. Feel what it would be like to have what you want. With a clear direction, it is a lot easier to manifest than when doing random tasks that lack clarity.
Tell yourself you are already successful, you already have what you want and then embody that success in your every move! Check in with yourself, how do you sit when you work? How does your work environment look like? What are your thoughts when you do your tasks? Is everything in your surrounding aligning for your business, or is it going against it?
Every time you approach your marketing, do it with intent and the highest energy possible (see above). Do it with a sense of service, and feel that you are passing something amazing on to your clients! Find ways to do marketing that serves you (stretching your limits) while serving others (receiving value). Do it from a place of Joy with a clear direction in mind. If you are spreading good vibes, you are touching hearts!
Upgrade your Flow
Flow states are what drives your business to success. It´s not the cookie-cutter recipes of marketing that bring you new clients and more income. It´s moments of flow states, in which you create your own genius in no time that’s charged with so much energy, that attraction to other people is natural. The same as in life!
When you are in flow and love everything that you do, where you do it and how you do it, people are magically drawn to you. You feel Joy, you feel free and you do rather than think. That’s what you want to bring into your work too!
Next time you go about your marketing strategy, play some music, wear your best business outfit, clear your desk, have a good view, and visualize how many people you’re reaching with your offerings. Think about the impact rather than the task. Think about the goal rather than what you do now. Feel your success rather than the minute of labor.
So first, upgrade your energy, then upgrade your mindset, then upgrade your flow! And go!
Enjoy 🙂